Embracing the "Fourth Trimester"

The Fourth Trimester is getting some attention in the press!

PT In Motion released an article earlier this month announcing the recognition of the Fourth Trimester by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the importance of cross-disciplinary care during this time.

Real issues such as postpartum depression, incontinence, and diastasis recti don't have to be "just what happens" during pregnancy. Healthcare providers such as physical therapists are trained in treating these conditions and can have a tremendous impact on new mothers' physical, emotional, and sexual health.

According to the article, the Fourth Trimester refers to the first 12 weeks after childbirth. As opposed to getting one check-up appointment with a physician at the 6-week postpartum mark, mothers should be getting regularly medical and physical care for the entire 12-week span. ACOG recommends scheduling the first evaluation 3 weeks postpartum. 

So what are you waiting for? Start your journey to get well and stay well!

News Now Staff. OB-GYN Group Embraces 'Fourth Trimester' Concept, Acknowledges Role of Physical Therapy in Postpartum Care. PT In Motion News. 2018.


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